JOY Noun: A state of happiness
Joy is a powerful, positive emotion we experience in a moment when something good happens. It's a vibrant, tangible force that colours our lives in beautiful ways. It's the laughter of a child, the warmth of a cup of tea, the surprise of a favourite song, and the smile that lights up a room.
Opportunities to experience joy are all around us, and celebrating and sharing these moments of joy can have lasting benefits on our minds and bodies.
An abundance of research shows that when we share our joys and talk about the positive things in our lives, our brain releases feel good 'happiness' hormones and chemicals (dopamine and serotonin) that deliver many emotional and physical benefits including improved emotional wellbeing, reduced stress and pain, feeling more connected to those around us, and improved energy levels.
As humans though, we have a tendency to focus more on negative feelings and experiences, and for many of us, those little joys we experience can often be overshadowed by the busyness and stress of our daily lives (kids fighting, refusing to go bed sound familiar?!). By choosing joy, we turn our attention to finding the good moments to treasure amongst the not-so-shiny ones. Reflecting on the things and people that made us smile can help rewire our brains for happiness, increase our ability to think more positive thoughts and build resilience to help us bounce back when we experience disappointment or when life gets tough.
The simple act of writing down the small things that bring us joy and sharing them is something we can practice together with our loved ones. Our JOY JARS are an invitation to start a happiness habit, one that strengthens our emotional well-being, reduces stress, and deepens our connections.
Discover the incredible benefits of sharing and celebrating life's small joys with your very on JOY JAR by Joy & Co.