A boost for your school-day routine

A boost for your school-day routine

Many kids across the country are heading into their first full school week, and if you’re like our family, emotions are all over the place! For some, this time of year brings excitement and adventure, while for others, this can be a time of anxious thoughts and worry. New teachers, new students and friendship groups, perhaps a new school, learning new things and new routines.

joy jar on school books

Managing those big feelings and balancing emotions can be tricky, but it’s important to open up and chat about feelings with our kids – both theirs and ours - to normalise them and let them know that all of these emotions they are feeling are ok.

By validating our kid’s emotions and helping them talk through and process their concerns, fears, and excitement - we can help them navigate the back-to-school transition more smoothly and help them build resilience for the ups and downs that the year ahead will bring.

Tip: Writing down the things that make us smile each work/school day is a simple but powerful way to boost our mood and improve our overall well-being. Reflecting on the goodness that surrounds us and the little moments that bring us joy can help strengthen connections and is a great ‘feelings’ conversation starter.

JOY JARS are great tool to help capture these moments and ease the transition back to school. Here’s how they can help your family:

🌈 Balance Emotions: JOY JARS can help act as emotional anchors, helping kids find balance amidst the whirlwind of back-to-school emotions. By taking a moment to focus on writing something in their JOY JAR and baking this into their routine, children can start their day with a sense of calm and positivity.

🌟 Focus on Positive thoughts: Encourage your little ones to focus on positive thoughts with the help of JOY JARS. Starting or ending the day by reflecting on moments of joy and gratitude can set a positive tone for the entire school experience.

🙏 Inspire Gratitude: Cultivating gratitude is a powerful tool, especially during transitions. JOY JARS act a bit like gratitude journals, prompting kids to recognise and appreciate the good in each day. It's a small ritual that can make a big difference.

💬 Spark meaningful conversations with your child by making JOY JARS a part of your before/after school routine. Discuss their favourite parts of the day, as well as yours, and pop them in the JOY JAR together. This helps to create connections for regular conversation and can help kids feel comfortable talking about the not-so-great parts of their day too.

Want to add a JOY JAR to your school-day routine? Embrace the joy-filled journey as your child steps into a new school year with confidence and positivity.

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