JOY JARS are a fun, easy way to capture and treasure the small joys that often slip by in the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Writing down and sharing your joy can have lasting benefits on mind and body:
- boost positivity & resilience
- strengthen connections & spark conversation
- inspire gratitude and
- improve your emotional wellbeing.
- Find a special place in your home to display your JOY JAR.
- On your own or with loved ones, grab a joy note and write down something that has brought you joy - big or small, as long as it makes you smile.
- Fold up your joy note and pop it into your JOY JAR. Repeat as often as you like. Watch your JOY JAR grow with all the little things that make you and your loved ones happy.
JOY JAR looking low?
Prompt yourself or loved ones to write a joy note during everyday moments
- waiting for the toast to pop
- sitting down for Sunday night dinner
- when family or friends visit, or
- while enjoying a cuppa (or wine).
There’ll soon be smiles, moods will lift and good conversations and hugs will follow
Feeling down or overwhelmed?
Open your JOY JAR and read your little moments of joy for an instant hit of happiness.
When your JOY JAR overflows, place your joy notes in the joy note box as keepsakes for you to look through any time. Then simply start filling your JOY JAR again!